Securitron No Touch Heavy Duty Motion Detector Passive Infra-Red Exit SwitchSecuritron Heavy Duty
Motion Detector Passive
Infra-Red Exit SwitchThe XMS is unique among curtain type motion
detectors because it has been specifically
configured to reliably release magnetic
locks as opposed to detecting an intrusion.
A number of XMS product features deliver
this benefit.
Operation is fail safe. Should the detector
lose power, the lock will automatically release.
Lock control switching is done by a heavy
duty field effect transistor rather than by
lower capacity relay contacts.
The lock released state is maintained for a
trailing four seconds after detection. This
avoids the risk of relocking if the individual
intending to exit pauses for a moment.
A REX signaling relay is included which can
be connected to the access control system
to annunciate that someone is exiting and
therefore suppress an alarm event.
The detection pattern can be precisely adjusted
to suit the door environment so that detection
of persons going past the door can be
avoided and security against unauthorized
entry can be optimized.
The unit will operate on any DC voltage be-tween
12 and 28 v.
Input voltage: 12 or 24 VDC.
Power draw: 20-50 mA, depending on
switching status.
Environment: Indoor use only.
If any regular Securitron product ever fails they will replace it for free!
Just send the defective item to them and they will replace it the following day!
It's an unconditional warranty from a great company!
Don't forget: A power supply with back up battery
We also accept Paypal for US orders
and now also international orders through our International Checkout.
We are proud to be
A top rated store!
Phone:561 477-1864
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