Detex Exit Alarm Lock Accommodates 5, 6 and 7 pin
standard and interchangeable core
cylinders with a standard Yale cam.
Call factory for other non-standard
mortise cylinder applications.
Controls foot traffic, deters
unauthorized exits, prevents loss
and meets building code
requirements for panic & exit
Reduces employee and customer
theft by deterring unauthorized exits
through emergency exit doors.
Integrates with other loss prevention
Options and trims for use on
3' and 4' doors.
Available in two strike
options, surface and
Available in several
configurations, with different
strikes, outside trims, alarms,
security options, signage and
Outside key control available.
(Call for details).

Now also a available Weatherized version - see options below!
TO ARM: Rotate arming key
counterclockwise 1/8 turn: LED
will be GREEN for 15-20 seconds.
GREEN LED turns off followed by 3 short sounder chirps at
the end of delay, indicating unit is armed.
DIS-ARM: Rotate the arming
key clockwise 1/8 turn. RED LED flashes twice every 30-45 seconds, alerting management
that device is unarmed.
Physical Characteristics:
Exterior of anodized
aluminum and damage and
corrosion resistant ABS for
years of heavy use.
Stainless-steel, dead-latching
bolt with a 3/4" throw.
* 36" - fits 34" to 36" doors
Length - 33" (see drawing above)
Height of cover - 8 1/2"
Profile from face of door
- Un-dogged 3 1/4", dogged 2 3/8"
Fits 2" stile doors with semi-
mortise strike
Powered by a standard 9 volt battery
Under normal conditions, only
periodic testing and general
inspection recommended.
Under normal conditions and
operations, battery life of 12
months. Time varies depending
on use, climate, battery
performance and other non-
controllable factors.
Code Compliance
Grade 1, UL Listed Panic and
Fire Exit Hardware Device.
UBC 97, Standard 7-2
(Positive Pressure)
Exceeds Life Safety, ADA,
CA Title 19, ANSI/BHMA
requirements and all building
(Requires Mortise Cylinder;
Standard Cam, sold separately)
Related Products
See the surface mount electric strike
Detex removable mullion